Dr. Nanmanat Yambut, Office of Dental Public Health, Department of Health, recommends herbs to help relieve pain from gum and tooth disease. It’s not a cure. But it helps relieve pain. For most toothaches, it is caused by “tooth decay”, wisdom teeth, inflammation of the tissue in the tooth nerve cavity. The tip of the root is inflamed and purulent. Gingivitis and periodontitis โปรโมชั่น ufabet Herbs that help relieve pain are as follows:

1. Take 1 gourd leaf and 2 sheets of chalk, add them to a mortar and pound until crushed.
add a little water Apply it on the cheek in the area of the toothache. When it’s dry, change it again. Apply 2-3 times to help relieve pain.
2. Fresh, old galangal, pounded and mixed with a little salt.
Put in the hole in the painful tooth Helps reduce pain.
3. Clove
a medicinal herb with a spicy and astringent taste. It has the effect of being a local anesthetic. Take it and mix it with a little white liquor. Then fill the painful tooth
4. Koi bark helps kill microorganisms.
And helps resist the growth of bacteria that occurs in the roots of the teeth. Infections that cause gingivitis Bring it to a boil with water and mix with 1 teaspoon of salt. Boil it and let it cool, then suck it for 2-3 minutes, 3-4 times in a row.
5. Camphor is a cooling substance. Put it in the hole of the painful tooth. Can help relieve pain.