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Tag Archives: Health

10 ways to reduce acne scars around acne holes

10 ways to reduce acne scars around acne holes, scars caused by acne  1. Applying cream to reduce acne scars When you have acne, you should use skin care products specifically for people with acne problems. And continue to care for your skin after the

10 ways to relieve cough as quickly as possible

10 ways to relieve cough as quickly as possible Colds, asthma, dry throat, respiratory infections, acid reflux , allergies, smoking, tuberculosis, bronchiectasis. to side effects from certain drugs These are the reasons why we have a cough, whether it be a dry cough, a cough with mucus or a

12 things you may not know about “Donate blood”

12 things you may not know about “Donate blood“ Many people already know that ” blood donation ” is beneficial in terms of saving lives for humans who need blood for treatment. But aside from being satisfied with helping others, There is also a lot of interesting information about donating

How to notice the symptoms of “deafness” yourself

How to notice the symptoms of “deafness” yourself. How many times have you called a friend and they couldn’t hear you? We often joke that people are “hard of hearing,” even though the comparison may be a bit exaggerated. But there may be many people who would like to

4 techniques to lose weight permanently

Lose weight permanently While lose weight,  many people must have experienced that type of dieting. Abstain from this kind of food  according to various weight loss formulas Which before the weight can be reduced by 2-3 kilograms, it is exhausting to the point of suffocation. At the heart of